Blue Pallid Lovebirds for sale
Bird Description & Information:
Blue Pallid Lovebirds for sale ( Peach Faced Lovebird ) at $295 each.
(Baby 3-6 months) (Juvenile 7-11 months) (Adult 12-18 months) Age varies, depending which bird is chosen.
White, Turquoise, Violet, & Blue
Life Span Average:
20 years
Size Average:
Small 6.5 inches
Weight Average:
45-70 grams
Noise Level:
Moderate, Lovebirds are known for Singing, Chirping, & Songs.
Social, Active, & Affectionate. Lovebirds can learn to do tricks. Single Lovebirds form strong bond with owner. But when lovebirds are paired some times they form strong bond between one another, instead of owner.
Peach Faced Lovebird (Agapornis Soseicollis)
South-West Africa.
Its optimal to have large cage, enough space to play & exercise. Filled Food & Water bowls are needed 24/7 for the bird to stay healthy and hydrated. Toys are a must and treats for the bird to be happy. Once a week offer a bath in shallow water or mist the bird. Exercise is needed for 2-3 hours a day, let the bird spread its wings and flap its wings to exercise wing muscles. Let the bird walk and climb to exercise legs and feet, also let the bird chew on toys to work on jaw muscles.
Seeds, Pellets, Fruits, and Vegetables shall all be provided 24-hrs/7-days & should be balanced. Water should also be provided 24-hrs/7-days. Cuttle Bone must provided for calcium and vitamin blocks for vitamins. Also water soluble vitamins are optimal, such as the brand Nekton.
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